Leap Year?

If you’ve seen the movie with Amy Adams, you’ll know what I’m talking about.  Busting through all cultural and gender norms in the name of love.  If you like rom coms and haven’t seen that movie, I highly recommend it.  That an “A lot like love.”  But then again, I’m a different breed when it comes to movies that make you cry.  If not for everyone!

Bringing in back though, 2020 is a leap year.  I vividly remember thinking in 2016 that if I was dating someone in 2020 and we weren’t engaged I would consider the Irish superstition of proposing.  First of all, I’m not dating anyone so maybe there’s hope in 2024?  More importantly, I went to Google out of curiosity to read through what other traditions and superstitions exist out there for this unique time.  Between the Italians, Germans, and Irish, I’d say there’s some seriously mixed thoughts on the holiday.  Regardless, my takeaway is this: do what makes you happy, and forget what others may think of your decisions.

If you are a young adult in treatment and this is an appropriate mantra, you are sorely mistaken.  This is more of a pronouncement going out to anyone other there who may be conflicted with making decisions based on some outdated stereotypes and norms.  Love who you want to love, and when you want to love them.  Show love how you want to show it, and don’t let others project their expectations on you around this topic.

If you can muster the courage to do what you’re doing on February 29, 2020 any other day of the year – then let’s consider that bravery, authenticity, and confidence. Do want you want or need to do. I’ll leave that up to you to decide what that will be.

For questions or comments contact Joanna.


Telling my parents to quarantine

