
Whenever I think about being stuck, I visualize some of the thickest, deepest mud.  Then I picture my shoes.  I can feel the suction, and I know in the depths of my soul there is no way I will be able to wiggle myself out of this.  Even though I keep trying, I can feel my foot leaving my shoe.  I can see the hole where my foot was, and where my shoe still is.  So stuck, that the mud is not immediately engulfing my shoe.  I’m going to have to dig for it.  Being this stuck is no fun.

Right now, I’m noticing a lot of young adults are extremely stuck.  Paralyzed in their stuckness.  It’s not a flattering image, and it certainly isn’t a good feeling for the adult.  It doesn’t matter if they are in college and struggling with their academics, or whether they are feeling stuck because they deferred college and now they aren’t finding work.  Stuck in moving forward with their life.  Anxious with all the unknowns, and then feeling more stuck when they look to social media for comfort.  Social media is anything but comforting right now.  You are not alone in your stuckness!

If you are a parent trying to help your adult child get unstuck, similar to my shoe story, it may not be possible.  You may need to seek help outside the home to really help them “pull themselves out.”  See what I did there?  In all seriousness though, being stuck is common.  It’s the getting unstuck that takes time and is different for everyone.  If you need help, just ask for it.  You may not be able to get out alone.

For questions or comments contact Joanna.


The Least amount of "Suck"


Dumpster Fire(s)