FREEBIE: Mental Health Resource Guide for Parents of College Students


This is a brief resource guide geared towards parents of soon-to-be college students. Not just any soon-to-be student, but rather those who have had treatment history or are working with outpatient providers now regarding any minor (or major) mental health struggles. This is actually very common right now. More young people are wrestling with anxiety and depression than ever before. We need to normalize that it’s okay to come up with a plan before going to college - hence this guide.

You will find recommended timelines and steps-to-take prior to enrolling on a college campus. This is rather high-level, and it’s a good start for a parent who isn’t sure who they need to be contacting, or when.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
— Benjamin Franklin

Use this as a starting point to figure out what’s going to be necessary for your child.

If after reading this document you are wanting supporting in finding some outpatient resources for your college student near their college campus, feel free to schedule a time to talk with me.




FREEBIE: Psychiatric Advanced Directive Guide for Parents of College Students