FREEBIE: Psychiatric Advanced Directive Guide for Parents of College Students


This is a guide for any high school Senior who has any psychiatric history about to enroll on campus, or for any current college student who took a break from school to seek mental health treatment that is taking steps to return. Proactively following these steps to create an Advanced Directive will help the student, the family, and subsequently all on-campus and off-campus providers for the “what if” anything reemerges.

If you are a parent of a first-time college student, it’s imperative for you to understand privacy laws prior to your child enrolling in college. For those of you who may have experienced a mental health crisis with your child on campus, and learned first hand how HIPAA can limit your ability to support your child - it’s important for you to refresh your memory. Regardless of the student status of first-year or returning, you will want to work together to create a plan to not restrict communication between you (as a parent), your child (who is seen as an adult), and any providers working to help them during a crisis.

Curious what an Advanced Directive looks like? Or how you can go about getting one set up? Download the link below as a free resource to you.

If after reading this document you want to speak with someone about the Psychiatric Advanced Directive process, feel free to schedule a time to talk with me.




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